
  • 发布时间:2024-06-25 00:34:09 来源:
导读 孕前、孕中健康管理 Healthcare management of pre-natal, pregnancy 孕前准爸妈优生体检 Parents-to-be physical examinat...

孕前、孕中健康管理 Healthcare management of pre-natal, pregnancy 孕前准爸妈优生体检 Parents-to-be physical examination for genetic counseling 产前检查及围产期保健 Pre-natal physical examination and Peri-natal health care 孕期营养咨询指导 Nutrition consultant 孕产期前、中、后的专业心理咨询 Pre-natal, Pregnancy and Post-natal Psychological counseling 4D彩色超声波写真 4D -Color Ultrasound gallery 高危妊娠的管理 High-Risk pregnancy management 远程胎心监护系统 Remote fetal heart monitor system 准爸妈大学课程 Parents-to-be university class 产后恢复与休养 Post-natal recovery 产后康复服务 Post-partum recovery 盆底修复 Pelvic restoration, 母乳喂养 Breastfeeding 产后形体塑身 Breast shaping and body building。

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